Saturday, February 9, 2013

Friday Fill-ins

Sunny Melbourne
1. In New England, I'd be a tourist with so many places to visit.
2. The concept of LOTS of snow is not possible in Melbourne, unless its fake!.
3. Ahhhh, working part-time...bliss.
4. Reading in the garden is my favorite thing to do nowadays.
5. Last night, I had a dream about being on holiday.
6. Yesterday I finished two books which is the perfect way to reduce the pile - and make room for more!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the predicted cool change, tomorrow my plans include going to the market and Sunday, I want to catch up with Bee!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Fill-ins

1. Sniff, sniff...what is that smell? Ah-ha, RAIN at last.
2. I'm just not a sports fan, I'd rather be reading.
3. What in the world made you ask?
4. My favourite environment is peace and quiet.
5. One of my dreams is to go back a year.
6. Why is common sense granted to so few? 

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing the place-cards, tomorrow my plans include finishing the editing and Sunday, I want to put my feet up!